Software engineer, technical consultant, web/app developer

Satoshi Tagomori

Web, Data Analytics, IT Infrastructure, and Apps

田籠 聡 (Satoshi Tagomori), a.k.a. tagomoris, is working on Web Application, Data Analytics Infrastructure, IT Infrastructure and iOS App.

About Me

I am a programmer, technical consultant, OSS developer and an App service provider. The main technical focuses are developing/hosting/operating Web applications, building Data analytics platforms, developing data management/distributed middleware, and writing OSS libraries.

As a technical consultant, I have some contracts with a few startup companies and providing my knowledges through consulting sessions about data engineering, system architecture, engineering team building, and generic problems at tech startups.

My current focus is to build an App service and to ship it.

Here are a few technologies I've been working with recently:
  • Data engineering
  • Distributed systems
  • Ruby
  • Swift
  • React

Customers, Services and Publications

2021 - Now
Technical Consultant

Consultation about everything around engineering and startups

  • Provide architecture reviews and system designs
  • Guide how to build the engineering team
  • Review system/performance troubles and suggest how to solve them
2021 - Now
Technical Consultant
Consultation about data engineering, database and system architecture
Fluentd: Pragmatic Introduction (Fluentd実践入門)
Fluentd実践入門 The world's first, definitive guide of the data collector software, Fluentd. Fluentd is a CNCF project, and a defacto standard tool to collect logs on the Kubernetes platform. I am one of main developers/maintainers of Fluentd, and this book was written based on my long-term experience and knowledges as a user and a developer of Fluentd.

Thid book covers:

  • The overview of log collection and Fluentd use cases
  • How to install/configure Fluentd
  • How Fluentd processes data
  • What the Fluentd plugins are
  • How to operate Fluentd in production
  • How to write Fluentd plugins

Events and OSS Projects

Web Database Infrastructure Performance
ISUCON is a performance tuning contest about Web applications. I founded ISUCON as a brand new event at 2011, and worked to prepare the contest at 2011 (ISUCON1), 2012 (ISUCON2) and 2015 (ISUCON5). And I was also a member of the winner team at 2013 (ISUCON3) and 2014 (ISUCON4). Now that event is organized by LINE corp. and has been taken over by many Japanese web app engineers.
Big Data Logging Infrastructure
Fluentd was founded originally by Sadayuki Furuhashi (@frsyuki), then I joined that project as a maintainer. I re-designed its plugin system and core plugins totally, then worked to make the stable version, v1.0. Fluentd is now a CNCF project.
JRuby Stream Processing Big Data SQL
Norikra is an OSS stream processing tool, written in JRuby, runs on JVM. I founded and developled Norikra to realize ease-to-use (non-distributed) stream processing using SQL in a schema-less way.
Data Ruby
MessagePack is an open source data serialization format project, and I joined this project as a maintainer. I worked on msgpack-ruby main maintainer, and a member of MessagePack spec maintainer team.
Web User-Agent Java Perl Ruby JavaScript
Woothee is a project to create/maintain multi-language user-agent string parser. I founded the project Woothee, and developed the main set of data/tests, then libraries in Java, Ruby, Perl, and JavaScript. Many other contributors joined this project, and many other language implementations were added.


Email me, or send DM to me on Twitter.